I believe we as humans tend to air on the side of dramatics because our flesh receives information from every physical angle. Think about it for a second. We have five senses – sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch – constantly feeding our bodies (flesh) information 24/7. Once we receive this information, we then take it upon ourselves to determine how we feel about this information. This means we’re constantly working and emoting, then forming opinions and judgments based on our surroundings.

Our surroundings are constantly changing. If our surroundings are the only source from which we choose to receive our information, it’s no wonder we tend to find ourselves in constant information overload with no clue what to do with all of that info except harbor it, spew it, resent it, carry it (any bag ladies or guys out there?), weaponize it, suppress it, etc. I can go on and on, but you get the point. We all tend to choose our poison, drink it, then go back for seconds, thirds, and fourths. In fact, we tend to keep our favorite ones nearby just in case we need a ship here and there. It’s a never-ending cycle until we choose to just let it go. Drop it…*smacks hand down* and don’t pick it up again.

So, what should we pick up instead? Truth. Why truth? Because truth is simple, and truth is power. It guides us to cultivate and build a trust within ourselves that is unshakeable and unbreakable. The truth is still; it never changes. To know the truth is to set yourself free from all those things that no longer serve you. Those things are all the little distractions we have allowed to become so well integrated into our day-to-day routine that they go unnoticed. They get brushed aside as the minutiae of our lives. Truth always gives us the freedom to choose something different, something better than what currently presents itself as the circumstances of our reality. It’s the freedom to chill out, max, and relax because when we whole-heartedly know and understand the truth, we now stand on a foundation in which we stop reacting and start creating.

*cues Fresh Prince of Bellaire theme song*

Philippians 4: 6-7
Love Tynette

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