First thing’s first in this hairstory, I’ve been natural my whole life. Ever since I can remember, my mom refused to give me a perm. She always told me that I didn’t need one, but that never stopped me from asking every now and then. I figured maybe I would catch her on a good day, and she’d change her mind. Well, that never happened and I changed my mind about getting a perm before she did.
Getting my hair done always felt like an ordeal. It would take two or three days. My mom would do my hair at home and every time I felt I was missing out on important things like playing with the neighborhood kids or sleepovers at a friend’s. In my young mind, missing out on anything was major.
When I was four years old, I had my first hair salon experience. I was excited to get a shampoo, press, and bun style for my first dance recital. That excitement quickly subsided once I realized it was going to be another long process. I was at the salon all day, reading books (the kind four-year-olds read) and minding my business (the kind four-year-olds mind) while watching other clients finish and head out the door. My four-year-old mind just wanted to know whyyyyy it was taking so long, but a lot of hair is a lot of hair no matter who’s styling it.
a lot of hair is a lot of hair no matter who’s styling it

Soon after, Disney released Pocahontas. I was obsessed! This girl not only had thick hair, but it was also long and painted with all the colors of the wind. Thanks to Pocahontas, I knew I wanted one thing – my hair long and blowing in the wind. My answer was a perm. My mom’s solution was single braids.
From the ages of five to nine, single braids were my go-to hairstyle. I loved my single braids. They were low-maintenance and convenient. Hair flipping came naturally and neck swangin’ was my thing. As I grew out of my Pocahontas obsession, Moesha hit the scene. Boom – I had a new obsession. Mo to the E to the. Moesha was my spirit animal. We were both daydreamers, kept overly dramatic diaries, and rocked single braids. I had braids, and Moesha had braids, so I wasn’t complaining, although I still wasn’t satisfied. I wanted to wear my hair without the need for a protective style and there was no amount of hair flipping that could satisfy that.

The summer before I started fifth grade (2000), I finally had the opportunity to wear a natural hairstyle. My mom introduced me to Gwen, a stylist who solely specialized in natural hair. It was during this meeting Gwen educated me about the damage chemical relaxers could cause. After watching a short, documentary-style video on chemical treatments, I lost all interest in perms.
That summer Gwen styled my natural hair in different ways: two-strand twist, twist outs, braid outs, and blowouts. Although the styling process was still long, I really enjoyed wearing my hair beyond the single braids. As the summer came to an end, Gwen introduced my mom and me to the (then) new locking technique, Sisterlocks. The moment I saw Dr. Cornwell’s long locks blowing in the wind on the orientation video, I had a new obsession…Sisterlocks.
At the end of the summer, my mom installed her Sisterlocks which made me want them more. Since I was only ten years old, my mom didn’t think I truly comprehended that level of commitment. She kept saying, “Tynette, if you get these locs, you can’t just take them out when you don’t want them anymore,” but I knew exactly what I was getting into. I was choosing a lifestyle, not just another hairstyle.
I was choosing a lifestyle, not just another hairstyle

November 2000, my mom made a deal with me. If I could write a convincing letter explaining why I wanted Sisterlocks, I could get them for Christmas. Needless to say, the deal was excepted. By early December I completed my essay. It must’ve been pretty convincing because December 18, 2000, was the day I began the installation process. Due to the density of my hair, length, and loc size, my installation took one week. On Christmas Eve my Sisterlocks were finished (won’t he do it?!). Today I’ve had my Sisterlocks for almost 20 years and I’ve never regretted my decision.
Prior to my locs, I dreamed of being able to wear my hair naturally. I was just a child with a little faith when Sisterlocks seamlessly fell into my life. In the early 2000s, I couldn’t go online and search for the “inspo” like you can today. I had to trust my idea. At the time, I didn’t know what my hair would look like. I didn’t think about it, to be honest. I just knew Sisterlocks would give me the freedom to wear my hair with ease. My Sisterlocks have been the best decision, and I still believe it will continue to be for a while.
Sisterlocks have been the best decision