When I originally started my blog in 2008, I would constantly write Caramel à la Mode in my notebooks. One particular time when I wrote it, I abbreviated the name and realized the shorter version spelled the word “calm.” At the time I thought it was a cool coincidence. I didn’t think twice about it. Twelve years later, that seemingly insignificant coincidence returned to the forefront of my mind – the calm.
A Decade that Blessed Me
My 20s were one hell of a journey. They were a collective experience I really enjoyed and a decade that blessed me in innumerable ways. The one blessing I appreciate and value the most is wisdom. I remember being fresh out of college and entering my twenties when I received an overwhelming feeling to pray for wisdom. Ten years later, that prayer returned to my mind. I realized I received exactly what I asked for and so much more.
Just two weeks shy of turning 30, I am reflecting on my twenties from a perspective that’s ten years wiser. Twenty was the decade I used to figure a lot of shit out. When you’re young and full of energy, figuring shit out is fun. The first few years of my twenties I was working in luxury sales by day then hitting happy hours and clubs by night. I was also pursuing my master’s degree, interning, volunteering, and doing Bikram yoga six days a week. See what I mean…E-N-E-R-G-Y. I spent a lot of time and energy just doing something, anything with no focus.
By 25 I was burnt out and bored with the unproductive parts of my routine. It was time for me to evaluate what I was putting my time and energy into and whether they brought any significance to my life. The latter part of my twenties was about getting my house in order from the inside out, dealing with things one situation/circumstance at a time, while simultaneously letting go of things that no longer served me. There were a lot of things I was giving my time to. But in actuality…ain’t nobody had time for that.
Now, I picture myself walking to the door of a new decade and I’m excited because my house is in order. If I had to personify this house into Pinterest board form, I’d break it down like this:
- Mid-century modern build– past lessons when learned and applied in current situations create beautiful, new experiences in the present and the future.
- Wall windows for natural light – God is the only source. Each sunrise is evidence his mercies are new every morning.
- Oceanfront – the depths of His love and power never end. Collapse in God’s love; relax in God’s power. Get comfortable being uncomfortable.
- Indoor plants – growth requires oxygen and a constantly refreshing and renewing the mind. Fresh from the inside out.
- Authentic artisan-made décor – being yourself is enough. You are significant because there is only one you. That is your power. There’s power in purpose so be in power.
The irony of life is that we tend to spend our time looking for something outside of us when everything we need is already inside of us. At the start of Caramel à la Mode in 2008, I unknowingly abbreviated the name and found calm. I now realize that throughout my twenties, there was a calm that had been there all along. I just had to clean my house and keep it clean. The house I’m building now is not new construction. It’s a renovation. I’m being intentional with the things I add.
What is The Calm?
The Calm is my innermost space, the daily conversation I have with myself, and the truth in which my faith is nourished. It’s a space of knowing and believing with a steadfastness in my heart. The Calm is a place of peace. It doesn’t get rowdy up in here because the b.s. is not allowed. However, if you catch me on a day when my cup’s running over, best believe it’s a party up in here and it’s lit. No matter life’s circumstances (whether up or down in my feelings), The Calm is a place in my spirit from which I strive to give, share, rest, bless, inspire, lead, and just be with the best intentions. It’s the restful, soothing presence of love, joy, and peace overflowing into pools of refreshing to refresh you.
“My dear, in the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love. In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile. In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm. I realized, through it all, that… In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back.”