Growing up in Texas meant learning a lot about Texas history. Although many think important lessons lie within the tales of the famous battles of the Alamo and San Jacinto, I believe the most important lesson can be summed up in two words: cowboy boots. In the dangerous journey towards westward expansion, cowboy boots played a quintessential role in keeping its traveling owner protected from the elements. Before they were ever deemed a trendy shoe style, cowboy boots were created out of the necessity for survival. They were designed for riding. The heel was intentionally crafted to keep the foot from sliding through the stirrup, a design element that could be life-saving on a bad day.
Rather than wrangle with the uncertainties of westward expansion, I’m glad to live in a time where these boots are made for walking. When I luxuriate in my pair of leather cowboy boots, I realize we’re always equipped for the task at hand. Even if it doesn’t feel like it, we are well-heeled with the power and authority to conquer anything.

When we’re well-heeled, we’re in an active state of intentional being. Being wealthy, being rich, being well-equipped, being prosperous, being affluent, and being in good circumstances. With all of these things at our disposal, it only makes sense that we choose what we want to be. To be anything is a choice. Choice sprouts from a seed of belief. It then roots and grows into a decision that buds into action. As actions bud and begin to grow, they eventually flower and ripen into a bountiful harvest. Now I don’t know about you, but if I’m going to harvest something, I would prefer that harvest to be abundant with good things.

In our quest to manifest destiny in our lives, we should consider the concept of being well-heeled. Remember, the heel was intentionally crafted to keep riders from sliding through the stirrups. We’re well-heeled and equipped to mount every challenge and support ourselves. On this journey, we have everything we need.
Utilizing these things means making a choice from belief. Faith is my belief. I choose to walk by faith, not by sight. Walking means to make one’s way, to progress, to make due use of opportunities, to live, to regulate one’s life, and to conduct one’s self. I choose to do it all by faith.
So, what does doing it all by faith feel like? To me, it honestly doesn’t matter because my feelings are just a mere product of my sight. When I choose to do it all by faith, I choose not to weaken in faith when considering any circumstance. I choose to believe that I am in a good circumstance no matter the situation because I am well-equipped for my journey…
…all I need are my well-heeled cowboy boots.